Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Five Things I Am Thankful For

In no order here are some things I am thankful for:

1. I am thankful for the first 10 years of my life. Without question we lived in Camelot. Great church, friends, family, life was perfect. When we moved things changed but I never get over how great those first years were. The lesson is kids remember a lot in the beginning, don't take the early years for granted.

2. I am thankful for a God who never gives up on us! I deserve nothing and His Grace gives us everything!

3. I am thankful for a wife who loves me, supports me, takes care of me! Said it before say it again without her I can't match my own clothes! She is also the reason we have four incredible kids! Thankful for my children who are a consistent source of joy in my life! Sometimes a source of irritation but mostly joy! Quinn, Collin, Madeline, and Grant are the greatest!

4. Thankful for my sisters who make life interesting! I don't worry now near as much as I used to about the producers of Jerry Springer calling and telling me what date we are taping their episode. Also thankful for my dad and step mom who are so important in my life. Things have hanged so much between us recently, I think he finally went to Radio Shack and bought the love/family chip. Thankful as well as for my mom and Ted, they seem very content and happy on the water. Thankful for Freed and Betty, best in-laws in the world, even of they don't live out of the country anymore! I am in the ministry today because of Freed's talk with me about the will of God over 17 years ago.

5. Finally I am thankful for Christians that "get it"! They understand what living for the Lord is all about and are such an encouragement to others! Where would I be without the investment in my life of other believers who have poured themselves into me!

Give Thanks and may God bless you and yours!