Saturday, December 26, 2009

On Tiger Woods from Tom Ziglar

Integrity and Tiger Woods
I love this quote from Dad:
“The number one tool in your sales arsenal is your integrity” Zig Ziglar
This past month we have seen Tiger Woods loose hundreds of millions of dollars in endorsements for one simple reason: he has lost his integrity.
Growing up I was keenly aware of some very “old fashioned” rules that Dad set for himself. Things like never having a meeting alone with a woman, or allowing a woman to pick him up from the airport. As a business person in this day and age I am sure a lot of people thought Dad was just little to hard core. But you see, Dad is a master of the game of life, just like Tiger is a master of the game of golf.
In golf, if you have a short par 4 with water in front of the green, the wise shot is to lay up with a club that will not reach the water hazard. It would be stupid to hit driver, and besides, you can still make birdie from the center of the fairway and you take double bogey out of play.
Life is the same way. Sure, you can live close to the hazards of life without going in, but all it takes is one miss-hit and you have lost your integrity. Why take the chance?

From Pastor-

Zig Ziglar understands the value of integrity in sales, how much more for the Christian when presenting the gospel with our lives! The Christian's testimony is the most valuable possession he or she has! "Pro 22:1 A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favour rather than silver and gold."