Thursday, July 9, 2009

Getting Started

Without a doubt the written word is a powerful tool in our lives and in our ministries. Of course no written word by mortal man can come close to THE WRITTEN WORD OF GOD for our lives. But at the same time throughout the centuries mankind has been helped and encouraged through good books, pamphlets and other written materials. My hope in writing this blog will be three fold. First will be to try and be a help to others as I learn from others along life's way. Secondly, I will use it to keep people updated to what is going on at Community Bible Baptist Church and in our ministry. Thirdly I want to use the written word to bring honor and glory to Jesus Christ. He truly is the greatest subject one could ever undertake to write about. As I write and preach, may I leave a legacy for my children and others who follow a love for the Lord, my family, and my friends!