Thursday, September 23, 2010

Dan and Nancy Davis Are Coming to Community!

I am so excited to announce that Rev. Dan Davis, his wife Nancy, and their son Caleb will be relocating to St. Petersburg the first week of October!  The Davis' are a wonderful family with whom I had the privilege of serving with in Texas for several years before coming to Community!  Bro. Dan oversaw several different ministries in Texas for us including our Christian School, Child Care, Sunday School, Nursing Homes, and Visitation Ministries! We are thrilled the Lord has opened the door for him to relocate from Texas to work with us here in St. Petersburg! 

Both Dan and Nancy bring a wealth of ministry experience with them from their early days at Tabernacle Baptist Church in Orlando under Dr. Bob Ware to their years at Tennessee Temple and Bob Jones University's respectively under Dr's Roberson and Jones.  Dan has experience as an assistant pastor and also as pastor in Americus and Cartersville Georgia before going to Groves.  Bro. Dan holds a degree from the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga and has been in full time ministry since his days in the Army (Spanish American War! Just kidding, could not resist!)  Mrs. Nancy holds a Master's Degree in education, teaches piano, and sings in the choir and for special music.  She was also very instrumental in starting our Christian School.  We are blessed to be able to add them both to our Community team!

Bro. Dan's first responsibility will be to lead the Sunday School ministry here at Community.  With his passion for teaching, strength in organization, and weekly teacher's meetings we believe our Sunday School will outgrow our existing meeting space in a short space of time!  Bro. Dan will also begin the process of exploring options for starting a Child Care ministry and Christian Academy. 

We are looking forward to the Davis Family coming on board and believe that their relocating to our area is just another sign that God is doing some great things at Community!