I challenged Community last night to list 5 things Jesus has changed in their life in the past year before they went to sleep. Here are the things that came to my mind when I thought about what Jesus has done for me over the last year.
- He has given me a greater understanding and appreciation of His grace in my life. After spending one year studying the book of Galatians, I am more overwhelmed by His Grace than ever before. His Grace is amazing and is all I need!
- He has given me a reminder of the condition of the world. The world’s need is so great and the church is doing so little in the matter of missions. After trips to England and the Philippines this year, as well as Valerie’s continued involvement in Haiti, the need of missions is greater in my heart than ever. It must be THE top priority of our ministry
- He has given me a thankful attitude for those who labor alongside in the ministry both now and in the years past starting with my wife, Valerie! Without question I could never do what is necessary without Valerie. She is, by far, the greatest asset the Lord has ever given me. Behind her are the staff, men and women, as well as faithful members who labor as heroes of the faith behind the scenes.
- He has given me a glimpse of His Holiness through the pages of His Word. In this day and age churches seem to be going out of their way to lessen the teaching and doctrine of God’s Holiness and our sinfulness. The Lord has guided me, in the study of His Word, to see that before we can look at the sin of man we must see the holiness of God. His holiness is the attribute that sets the tone for all other study of who God is.
- He has given me a sense of peace that I don’t have to make things happen in my life but can trust Him no matter what happens. We put so much pressure on ourselves and each other that we don’t allow God to have time or room to work in our lives. No matter what I think, or what others think, God loves me and I am complete in Him.
(Bonus) He has shown me that serving Christ is not performance driven. God does not love me more because I serve him, but I serve Him because I love Him. The motivation is love, not to receive love from God but because I have already received love from Him!