As I sit here in my study and look at the calendar, I realize that Single Vision Conference 2012 is only one month away! It seems like just a few days ago we were waiting for the first delegates to arrive at our inaugural conference with great fear mingled with excitement. The fear was based on the unknown as we did not know who or how many single adults would show up. The excitement was based on the fact that Pastor John, myself, our staff, and our churches were thoroughly convinced that God had something incredible in mind when he gave us the idea for Single Vision Conferences! Pastor John and I have talked about and prayed over our motives and goals for SVC on many occasions. We are both in full agreement that our only goal is to glorify Christ and be an encouragement to young adults who are transitioning through life. With that said, once Monday night kicked off we knew God had something great in mind for us at the conference. Every sermon, every session, and even the off time you could see and sense God working in and through the conference delegates, the speakers, and those who were hosting and helping. It was so incredible to see real life questions being asked and answered with real Bible truth. A lot of tough subjects were dealt with and I believe they were handled openly and honestly with no punches pulled. By the last session we knew God had blessed our first conference and so we planned a second. Now, that conference is right around the corner and to be honest, I am more excited this year than I was last. We learned a lot from the first conference that we are applying and adding this year. Without going on forever, let me give you a bullet list of some of the things I am most fired up about!
- More prayer and planning has been done this year for the conference, speakers, activities, and delegates!
- Cary Schmidt will be with us for at least five sessions! THE best I know on single adult issues!
- Margaret Stringer, enough said! If you don’t know Margaret Stringer you will not want to miss Tuesday!
- More sessions. We have added one full day to the conference because the delegates last year said two days is not enough. Sessions will be Wednesday and Thursday with both joint and split sessions for men and ladies.
- Great music! The Rochesters will be singing Monday evening with special music throughout the week!
- Resources galore! Find out what others are reading, watching, and listening too!
- Tons of prizes including a round trip ticket for a guy and girl to LONDON for Single Vision United Kingdom this summer! (NO chaperones eligible) Every registered delegate receives a gift bag, t-shirt, and tons of other resources at registration plus opportunities to win stuff every service!
- Thursday night service and activities on the beach at Treasure Island!
- More opportunities for fellowship and getting to meet other single adults from around the world!
- Ed, Salaam, Stephen and others from across the pond! If you don’t know who they are I cannot explain it to you!
- To partner with us for Single Vision United Kingdom during the summer Olympics in 2012!
- Theme park in Tampa for a day with a lunch session hearing the powerful life changing testimony of Christian business man Dan Shock.
- Dr. David Gibbs Jr. founder and president of Christian Law Association will be with us as well as Mrs. Glorianne Gibbs for the ladies!
- Chik-fil-a!
Let me say we are praying, planning, and working to make Single Vision 2012 a life changing event! Pastors, parents, single adults I promise you the conference will be well worth your time and money and quite possibly could change your life forever! If you are interested in registering yourself or your group, call the office at 727.323.4907.